Halloween Witch Fabric and More Pumpkins

Shopping for Halloween and holiday theme fabrics I had to have these funny black cats and whimsical witch fabrics. They are great with lots of squiggle lines and black color variations. I haven't decided what I want to make yet, I don't want to cut the fabric yet - maybe just one small section of the cats and hang it on my fridge so I see them all the time - they really make me happy.

I have a special affection for pumpkins so I wanted to get some of them together in one post, maybe I will get them out early in my house this summer.

I think it might be their shape and the huge size they can get and that they have great odd shapes, bulges here and there, unique lines and always varying orange shades.

Small sugar baby pumpkins too. I love carving pumpkins on a warm October day. The slimy - stringy texture of the inside and picking out the seeds to roast later with a little salt - full of vitamins. I had a co-worker once who grew pumpkins and made a pie with one of them. I've not tried that - I stick with Sara Lee or Marie Callenders - have you made a pumpkin pie from scratch?


I love both the Halloween fabrics. Where did you find them?? They are unusual...
countrygarden said…
They are "Ghastlie Manor" fabrics from Alexander Henry. I bought them through Hancock's of Paducah site.

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