Row Houses embroidery, Fortune's Rocks and Gloriana Silk

I started a little row house embroidery last evening while watching "Shanghai Noon" and laughing with Owen Wilson and their excursion to Carson City, although their Carson City landscape doesn't match ours... In this embroidery I am using some Gentle Art Sampler colors I haven't used before - Summer Shower is a very soft muted blue and Currant. I have my favorites I use all the time so I am trying to widen my color range a bit.

I received these floss samples the other day and am thinking of designs to use with them, autumn designs. The Gloriana silks are full of color and shimmer in the light. I love working with silk, a luxury for me.

I love Anita Shreve novels. I've read these two books before, but they were library copies and I decided I'd like to have my own copies. I am finding myself wanting to keep nice copies of my favorite books; with all the technology advancement it makes them seem more special to me.

I found a little frame for my ACEO painting and have it on my drawing table. I like little art. I read the new Country Living magazine and it had small art decorating a staircase and it looked so nice. I really liked the latest issue, I've not read Country Living in a while. Lots of great articles including a great story by Colman Andrews about walking, farm fresh produce and eggs, cozy cabins and a saltbox cottage... makes me excited for farmer's markets, flea markets and the lake.


Victoryperfect said…
Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

Row House

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