Hydrangea Garden Quilt Fabrics, Oregon Coast and Fish

We took a trip to the Oregon coast last week and I found a few treasures for my collections of fabric, floss and vintage dish towels.  The top left photo is an oh-so-soft pink linen tea towel with a cross stitch floral pattern and a really nice light grey crossed pattern at the bottom.  Being at the coast there were lighthouse items all around made by really talented artists so I bought a few of those too.  I found greeting cards and a blue plaid dish towel ~ I really liked the all blue and white theme in the towel.  I found some new-to-me rayon/viscose hand dyed floss for my collection.  I'm looking forward to trying it out.  It's very slick and shiny.        

Out of all the towels I found, this is my favorite.  The towel is really heavy fabric and has three thin red strips on each side.  I loved the little bird in between the glasses and the rows of flowers along the bottom.  The stitcher also embroidered a yellow line of stem stitching cross the bottom hem and I really liked that idea and effect.   

I started working on some fish/ocean themed patterns early in the summer and visiting the coast inspired me to work on them again.  I found a fat quarter fabric collection called "hydrangea garden" and may use one or two of the fabrics to finish the towel when I'm done with the embroidery.   

A view of the coast near Bandon.  It was foggy and overcast the whole time we were there, but became a little lighter as the afternoon wore on.  The light was nice and soft for photos.  On the way home as we travelled inland the sun was shining and was so refreshing after being in the foggy clouds for several days.  I felt like I was blooming myself.   


Tatkis said…
Wonderful finds!
The photo of the coast is so beautiful!


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