Flower Girl Silhouette Embroidery and Camping Lake Tahoe

I finished a bit more of my flower girl silhouette embroidery pattern.  I'm planning on finishing her this week.  I just have a few of the daisies to do.  I think I want to finish her as a nice large pillow.  She's feminine and would look great as a decoration in my bedroom.   

I've chosen these fabrics to finish the pillow with.  I'll probably use a lot more of the light blue and turquoise fabrics in the back of the photo but I think the yellow really adds a nice punch to the color scheme.  Brings out the yellow daffodil.   

I ordered some fabrics from FatQuarters.com.  Some from Riley Blake - they have such cute, bright and cheerful fabrics.  Since it is summer it is time to plan some Christmas designs :) and I chose the Ho Ho Ho fabrics from Nancy Halvorsen.  Thought they were cute with nice bright colors too.     

We took a break and went camping at Lake Tahoe and it was really fun.  My daughter took this photo of a lupine.  They were in bloom all over up there along with several other types of wildflowers.    

This is a photo looking into the forest from our campsite.  Lots of, blue jays, squirrels and chipmunks visited us.  No bears this time.  We saw an adorable family of loons and of course I didn't have my camera.  There were about eight babies and 2-3 of them got on mama's back and they others followed single file behind mama and they swam away.  So neat.       
A view from the Rubicon hiking trail we took one day.  The majority of the trail follows the lake and it's beautiful.   


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