Dragonfly Embroidery Pattern and Jellyfish Fabric

I've been embroidering some dragonflies this week and am almost finished.  I'm using an indigo blue, a lighter blue, green and a little purple in them.  It is warming up so we've had ants, flies and some bees but no dragonflies yet.  Looking forward to when they come around.   

I got a shipment of my Spoonflower fabric back this week and the fabrics above are some that I designed for the themed contests they have weekly.  The jellyfish fabric turned out really nice.  This week the theme was sewing so I designed a fabric for that (the tomato pincushions and stork scissors fabric above) but the internet was down in our area this week so I didn't get a chance to put it on! A little disappointed.    
I went to Reno last weekend to do some browsing and see what's new in the quilt shops and book store.  I found some great trims in bright colors and some red fabrics.  I'm planning on doing some redwork projects in the next few months.    

At one quilt shop I went to they had toweling by the yard and I didn't know they made this, was so excited!  I got enough to make two towels of each kind.  I'll embroider a design on them and then put a fabric trim to finish off the raw edge.  Fun project, excited.  OH, almost forgot... have you visited the site called Craftsy?  It is a fun site that has online classes in lots of different crafts, many different patterns, fun projects and free patterns!  Neat site and it is fairly new.  I love it.


Tatkis said…
Wonderful dragonflies!
Congratulations with all those beautiful fabrics and towels!

The embroidery is just gorgeous, I love the color and the delicacy of the design. Thanks for the heads-up on the new site I will definitely give it a visit...
Have a lovely weekend
Tina xo

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