Mirabilia and Tea Cozies

I've decided I MUST finish my Mirabilia cross stitch pattern early this spring so I have it out in plain view to inspire myself. Although it doesn't take much to get inspired - I love her patterns! I have two others I would like to start this year, one of her Pixie Couture Collection - Fern and one of her new letter series "C". Better get busy I guess. I am also working on some embroidery for tea cozies. Teacups with silk floss - Thread Gatherer silk floss, wonderful colors! I love silk and it takes colors so well. This is "Mermaid Shoes" - such great names too. Have you heard that white tea is supposed to be even better for you than green tea. I read that it is pure right off the plant and hasn't been processed at all therefore really good for you. Tazo has a great blend -white tea and apricot.


That will be absolutely gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it completed!


Sharon xx
Tammy said…
Oh man, I adore that design! Your work is just beautiful! Thx for stopping by my blog. I'm adding you to my roll now!
Hi Cathie,
I'm so glad you came by my blog and I was able to find yours. You do beautiful work. I really like the tea cozy your working on. Will be back soon.
Keep Stitchen'

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