Apron Collection and a new Retro Apron

There was a fun little gift shop with handmade items for sale in a little town I used to live in. One crafter made aprons and other sewn crafts and I loved to go in each month to see what new aprons she had made. I collected several of them, but don't have my goal of twelve, one for each month or holiday. I love to hang them on my fridge for kitchen color. I bought Cindy Taylor Oates "More Retro Aprons" and made one for my daughter for Christmas - she loves to bake. Aprons are one of my favorite things.


Tammy said…
Those are so cute!
Love the aprons, and those fabrics are fantastic. I want to make a patchwork pinny, with strips of assorted fabrics. Watch this space!!!

Have a lovely week : )

Sharon xx

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