lots of painting right now

holidays are getting closer and i find myself wanting to make lots of things, but painting has been my focus. deep rich colors in reds, blues and purples, colors of cooler weather. very excited about the needlework show and etsy at christmas. can't wait to see all the holiday things people make. trying to think of some more smaller cross stitch designs before the needlework show in october. almost finished with "country garden in september" and will need to quickly begin october to have it ready.


Unknown said…
lovely painting!!!

wow, Christmas already!!! i don't even want to think about winter, but I agree the homemade holiday items are the best. Thanks for your sweet comment on my illustration blog! Ciao- Melanie
Anonymous said…
Oh how i wish i could cross stitch! ive tried to no avail. I love your photo of your painting! that is really pretty! you are talented.
SCPutz said…
i love all of your artwork, stitchery, quilting and everything!! it's so fun to come see what you're working on and doing for the day. . . i wish i could buy all of your cards on your card store, but i'll have to pick a few at a time or else i'll blow all my "waud" too quickly :)
trudette said…
Beautiful art, and your cross stitch is lovely too.

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