Petit Point Tea Towel and Embroidery Photography

I found a lovely petit point linen tea towel from an Etsy seller in Canada.  It has the tiniest cross stitches and was done so carefully.  The back looks so neat and tidy.  The edge has a beautiful hem stitching with a touch of blue to accent the urn in the design.  The linen has a wonderful hand and is so soft and the prettiest white.  So happy to have it for my tea towel collection!

I found a set of these appliqued tea towels last weekend while out antiquing.  They have a pink zig zag border along the edge and very fine detail work also.     

I've been practicing my photography skills lately with my DSLR learning the different buttons, exposures and experimenting with lighting.  I'm planning on re-photographing several of my designs since I have new skills :)   

I was happy with this shot.  It was much brighter than the last photo I had of this design.  I took it close to a window that is bright with afternoon light.  It helps to pay attention to the areas of the house that get bright at certain times of day and take photos then to get nice natural light to show off the colors nicely.   
We've had a wonderful abundance of rain where I live lately, which is wonderful because we're usually very dry.  Everything is so fresh and green now.  The smell of the desert after the rain is wonderful and I love it.  These are miniature rosebuds in my garden just after the rain.  Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


Tammy said…
I've had my DSLR for years now and still can't take it off manual! I find that my best pics are done outdoors in natural lighting. Experimenting is fun though! Your new things are just gorgeous.

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