Tomatoes, Felt Needlebooks and Hand Dyed Wool

I had this tomatoes hand embroidery design in a frame and decided to change it a bit and make it into a pillow.  I bought the floral postcard fabric at Joann's in January and kept it for a while not knowing what I wanted it for.  It matched the flosses I used in the embroidery really well so that worked out great.   

I bought a bunch of different colors of felt and had a great time Friday making some different needlebooks.  Working with felt is great since it doesn't fray or ravel.  It is really nice to embroider on too.    

I thought some animal shapes would be fun and who doesn't love elephants and pigs?  I especially love pigs.  I was a farm girl for a lot of my childhood and loved the pigs we had.  One would come and drink out of the hose as we filled their water trough.  And elephants with their trunks up are supposed to be a lucky symbol ~ hopefully!

I found these hand dyed wool felt fabrics on Etsy.  Love them.  They are so soft to touch and pretty in color.  I like houndstooth and plaids a lot.  I think they will make nice flower petals maybe.


Great find on your esty wool
Tatkis said…
Adorable finishes, I love your tomato pillow!
Great wool finds too.


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