Crayon Tinting Embroidery and Farmer's Market Tote

I've been wanting to color tint an embroidery design and decided to try it today since it's too hot to be outside drawing or gardening... It is super easy.  I use a black Micron pen to outline the design so it won't rub off when coloring and ironing.  I used four different colors for the flowers with yellow and orange on the inside.  Two different greens for the leaves. After the coloring is finished I put the fabric in between two pieces of paper and ironed it to melt the wax into the fabric to keep it from waxing the floss or smearing the fabric where I don't want it to :)  

I chose floss colors a little darker than my coloring for the outside of the flowers and leaves.  I chose an orange for the center.  I've used stem stitch on some of the leaves and back stitch on the rest so far.  I like the back stitch better as it outlines the flowers better for the effect I am looking for. 
I finished my Farmer's Market tote this week.  I put the handles on last night.  I got the pattern off of Ravelry  it is a free pattern under tote bags.  There are quite a few cotton openwork patterns like this that look really fun to do.  This was a fairly easy pattern and I  used two balls of the "Dishie" yarn from Knit Picks.    

A little more detail of the openwork pattern which was really fun to do.  An easy repeat to memorize and great practice for lace knitting.  Hope you have a nice weekend.


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