Lollipops, Love and Sophie's Strawberries Silk

My newest embroidery design for a sweet treats collection soon to be in my Etsy store. These are very fun to embroider with hand dyed flosses in soft spring colors. This was stitched with Weeks Dye Works flosses. It will be in a collection with a cupcake and a dish of truffles.

Working on some small cross stitch designs of flowers worked in all one color. Useful for using left overs and flosses from the stash. This little one was stitched using hand dyed silk called Sophie's Strawberries. I love the name. I have three in the set and all will be stitched with silk flosses. These will debut at the online needlework show in April.

My husband and I went to dinner and a movie for our anniversary. While we were waiting for our reservation time we went to the bookstore and browsed. Usually I am a murder and mayhem suspense reader, but for some reason I had to have this book of love stories. It is a beautiful little book filled with love stories by classic authors and I am very excited to read it. Must have been because it was our anniversary, that is a good thing...

I have a collection of beads I have been working into scissor fobs. I had an owl charm that I put on one of them and he is really cute. Really liking owls right now, but I always have. I remember when they were really popular in the 70s I think and I love to see them out in nature. I love how they stare unafraid and look right into your eyes...

And, I had to share this of our funny cat. Big yawn, he is just about done for the day. Good weekend wishes to everyone.


I can't wait for the new patterns !!! They all look beautiful !!!

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