illustration friday - "Trick of Treat"

These two little kids remind me of my own when they were young and loved to trick or treat. However, we never did see any really scary houses that we had to think twice about approaching so I thought I would draw some. Happy Halloween~


Mim said…
Your watercolors are lovely - I like the scary house.
perfectly grand !!! sets the perfect mood for trick or treating !!
Teri said…
Looks like the perfect house for T & Ting. I bet they have the good stuff.
Random York said…
Tis is a treat for the eyes! Great stuff! Happy Halloween!
valerie walsh said…
Extremely charming Cathie! All the little details charm me!!!
soulbrush said…
i think i should try watercolours, they are so ethereal. lovely work.
get zapped said…
This is so cute! I love the pumpkins -they're so playful and the houses set up like that really create a sense of "scariness".
Stephani said…
Great detail! I think that the trick or treaters must feel a bit scared, they look hesitant. :)

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