Illustration Friday - Grow

Thinking of how kids like to measure how much they've grown. A tall sunflower would be great to measure up against, especially if there is a sunflower house close by. I've always wanted to grow a sunflower house. Sounds like a great place to escape to.


trudette said…
What a sweet and lovely illo.
valerie walsh said…
a sunflower house? i have not heard of this??? Sounds wonderful and I love your sweet and tender illo. It is charming!
beautiful illustration...I love sunflowers but never thought of one as a measuring stick....ours grow over ten feet tall....but have also never heard of a "house"... Thanks for your kind words on my blog!!
Willie Baronet said…
I once grew a sunflower taller than me and I was grown up!
kdhamel said…
Really cute! Sunflowers are always so happy!
Ginger*:) said…
Next year you must grow a sunflower house. This is adorable.
Teri said…
This is so adorable. Love the comparison.
Unknown said…
Hey Cathie,
Thanks for taking time out to look at my blog and post a comment! I especially like the looseness of your Bluebells illo. I envy your skill with watercolor! Mine comes and goes and I struggle with that medium. At any rate, you have really nice illustrations!
Cathy said…
Ooh - what lovely, tender, gorgeous illustrations! Great blog!
James. said…
Nice idea, charming, I love sunflowers, throw down the seeds in spring and away they go!
get zapped said…
Simply precious! The joy of growth in the natural world of a child ;)
soulbrush said…
another beautiful illo, so simple, so real!

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