Redwork Embroidery Kitchen Towels

I put the fabric borders on my kitchen towels yesterday.  I loved working on the toweling yardage.  The quilt shop I bought it from had a few other towels with different patterns along the sides so I think I need to try those next and maybe with a crochet border on each end rather than fabric.     

Poppies are one of my favorite flowers and are so easy for me to grow.  I thought the pattern would look good on a pillowcase too.  I might try that.    

We have a lot of cattails growing along the canal banks where I live so I like to draw them.  Right now they are just fuzzy seedheads and I love to watch the soft seeds fly away.  Like dandelions, but a lot more seeds. 

We have lots of birds around here too.  Jet blackbirds with bright yellow marks on their chests and some with orange-red marks.  Lots of robins, doves, and funny quail mates that try to run across the road at the wrong time.  So they all inspired my birdhouses in this one.

I grew up on a farm so I love fields, especially wheat.  Hope you have a great weekend!


Tatkis said…
All your stitched towels are so charming!


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