Fairies, Needlework and Mystery Stories

I have been needing some new inspiration lately. I have been reading the new 2008 Best American Mystery Stories and they are pretty good. I think it is funny they call them mysteries as some of them aren't, not even a little. I do enjoy reading most of them for the writing quality. I think maybe I need something a little more happy though. I need a really funny author, know of any. I tend to seek out the serious authors, I need a change I think. I have also been seeking change in my design work too. Fairies came to mind since I like nature and that is where they live. I have been working on new ideas for embroidery, cross stitch and greeting cards with fairies. They can be very cute, and not very cute I have learned. I have become very interested in all of them and all the beautiful artwork done now on them. I bought the new 2009 Linda Ravenscroft calendar, absolutely stunning. I hadn't heard of her work until I found the calendar at a gift shop in Fernley, Nevada. I have also been admiring the work of Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Very beautiful. I am getting ready for the holidays, buying all my gifts now so I can relax and enjoy the month of December eating good food, watching Christmas movies and spending time with my family.


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