IF "Choose" - Flower Cart

I love flower carts and have a hard time choosing which flowers to buy. Today it is very nice here in Nevada and I am anxious to have flowers in the garden, but will have to settle for buying some in the store. Good thing it is close to Valentine's Day. Happy weekend!


Janice Ykema said…
ooh this is so lovely and fresh when you look at the larger version... !
valerie walsh said…
very lovely! i do love a flower cart too!
Teri said…
I love flowers so I choose them all!
Unknown said…
Hi Cathie...

I love flower carts too...all the amazing flowers magically on a cart like living art...I always want to buy a ton of flowers....

your work is wonderful...

studio lolo said…
beautiful choice for the topic! I love flower carts too...and I agree, it's so hard to choose. So little money, so many flowers :)
Bee said…
Lovely piece, bursting with colour and very inviting. It reminds me of the flowers I used to buy at the side of country lanes in the Channel Islands (UK).

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