
Showing posts from November, 2007

Illustration Friday "Superstition"

I have always been intrigued by superstition and supersticious people, though not suspicious myself. I wanted to paint some flowers since they are my favorite thing. Most flowers have meanings and I figured that there might be some superstitions that go along with the meanings. I found some fun ones but my favorite was "Don't pick the foxgloves or you'll offend the fairies." This was my first time painting and drawing faires and I can say I love them too and hope I've not offended them in the past with picking foxgloves!

Illustration Friday - Scale

I would love to have an antique scale and a little room in a potting shed for making potpourri with dried flower petals from my garden each year. Tried to depict this in my illustration this week. Can't wait to see all the other scale illustrations... Happy Weekend!

Color Exploration

Just doodling and draw a cityscape in lots of different colors. Lots of shapes, like the circles - balls. Interested in how the different colors work togtheter, some don't like each other at all. An old train in the desert with small trees and clear mountains in the background. Have to sketch quick as we go by on our way to somewhere else.

Illustration Friday - "Hats"

I loved this topic and thought immediately of fancy hats worn to a tea party. Our family has tea parties now and then and it is fun to dress up and have tea. I also thought of the RED hats that are so popular now, but decided to stick with pinks and purples - my favorite colors. Enjoy the autumn weekend.