Flea Market Tote Bag and PDF patterns

I was very busy over the weekend sewing and made myself a very nice large tote. I found this decorator fabric remnant at a new little fabric shop on Saturday. I love Cindy Taylor Oates sewing patterns, very easy to follow and have a successful project when I'm done, no hair pulling frustration moments at all with her patterns. This tote bag is from her "Easy Zipper Bags" pattern booklet. Very happy! I have also been busy working on converting a lot of my needlework patterns to PDF files and some of them are now available in my Etsy Store. Really a handy idea for those who like needlework patterns, no postage cost or wait! I love to order them that way myself. Have a great week.


Unknown said…
Hello from England and a fellow sewer, I have been thinking of putting my designs into pdf too, I will have to investigate... I am following your blog now, please pop into mine and have alook sometime!
Suzie. X :)
Cindy said…
Great bag!! I am such a "bag lady" just love different bags/purses/etc. Love this one from your Chicks on Lit friend!

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